Thursday, August 30, 2012

Raising Beds

Shortly after our tree planting at Ecole Primaire Publique Founougo the kids and I started up a rainy season garden adjacent to the school. We planted seeds for cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

It is difficult to find a wide variety of nutritious fresh produce in Founougo all year round. Market gardening exists in the district but only for about three to four months starting in January. There is a good deal of potential for the rural town to expand its market gardening initiatives. However, for most people, the farming of cotton and corn overrides any want or need to start up a fresh produce business.

In the same garden space, we planted a dozen Moringa saplings. Moringa is a tree native to India but now cultivated in many tropical countries. Its leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals and is currently being used in Benin to fight malnutrition in children and pregnant women.


  1. Here's hoping the locals continue to take care of the Moringa trees after you've returned to the US. They've had a great PCV with them these last two years, but they're gonna have to let her come home now.

    Travel safely,
    "Mr. T"

  2. Those kids look pretty happy with the garden. I agree with "Mr. T" above - it looks like you have given them an amazing start. I'm excited to see you at home sometime soon!

