Sunday, September 9, 2012


Camp Filles d'Avenir 2012 in Kandi was a great success. The group of girls this year had great energy. Throughout the camp I noticed that the campers really fed off of each other's positive attitudes and behaviors. What an inspiration! Pictured above is Nadeje, one of many of my favorite tenacious campers this year.

One night before bed, I came into one of the classrooms to find the girls writing acrostic name poems for each other on the chalkboard. They also started writing empowering proverbs such as the one pictured here, "Vouloir c'est pouvoir," which translates to "To want is to can."

The highlight of the entire camp was possibly a skit performed by a group of campers illustrating how to respond if a school director or a teacher expresses sexual interest in you as a student, which is sadly a very real and serious problem in Benin.